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för att ansluta till olika enheter
för att ansluta till olika enheter
för att ansluta till olika enheter
convert movie format to mp4 ?
this code are scanning for example mkv and convert all to mp4
#!/bin/bash # Help message function print_help() { echo "Usage: $0 <file_extension>" echo "Example: $0 mkv" } # Check if argument is provided if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then print_help exit 1 fi # Supported video file formats supported_formats=("avi" "mkv" "mov" "mp4" "wmv" "flv" "mpg" "mpeg" "3gp") # Check if provided file extension is supported if [[ ! " ${supported_formats[@]} " =~ " $1 " ]]; then echo "Unsupported file format. Supported formats: ${supported_formats[*]}" print_help exit 1 fi # Loop through all files with the provided extension in the current directory for file in *."$1"; do # Check if the file exists if [ -e "$file" ]; then # Get the filename without extension filename="${file%.*}" # Convert the file to mp4 using ffmpeg ffmpeg -i "$file" "${filename}2.mp4" # Optional: Check if conversion was successful and remove the original file if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Conversion of $file successful." rm "$file" else echo "Conversion of $file failed." fi else echo "No files with .$1 extension found." exit 1 fi done
why not.. we do it in php to… but now you most write a dir to.
<?php // Function to convert video files to mp4 function convertVideosToMp4($folder, $extension) { // Supported video file formats $supportedFormats = ["avi", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "wmv", "flv", "mpg", "mpeg", "3gp"]; // Check if provided file extension is supported if (!in_array($extension, $supportedFormats)) { echo "Unsupported file format. Supported formats: " . implode(", ", $supportedFormats) . PHP_EOL; return; } // Open the directory if ($handle = opendir($folder)) { // Loop through all files in the directory while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { // Check if the file has the provided extension if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == $extension) { // Get the filename without extension $filename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME); // Convert the file to mp4 using ffmpeg and rename to {filename}2.mp4 $command = "ffmpeg -i \"$folder/$file\" \"$folder/{$filename}2.mp4\""; exec($command, $output, $return_var); // Check if conversion was successful and remove the original file if ($return_var == 0) { echo "Conversion of $file successful." . PHP_EOL; unlink("$folder/$file"); } else { echo "Conversion of $file failed." . PHP_EOL; } } } // Close the directory handle closedir($handle); } else { echo "Unable to open directory: $folder" . PHP_EOL; } } // Check if folder and extension are provided if ($argc < 3) { echo "Usage: php convert.php <folder_path> <file_extension>" . PHP_EOL; echo "Example: php convert.php /path/to/folder mkv" . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } // Get folder path and extension from command line arguments $folderPath = $argv[1]; $extension = $argv[2]; // Call function to convert videos to mp4 convertVideosToMp4($folderPath, $extension); ?>
why not… we do it in python to
import os import subprocess import sys def convert_videos_to_mp4(folder, extension): # Supported video file formats supported_formats = ["avi", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "wmv", "flv", "mpg", "mpeg", "3gp"] # Check if provided file extension is supported if extension not in supported_formats: print(f"Unsupported file format. Supported formats: {', '.join(supported_formats)}") return # Loop through all files in the folder for file in os.listdir(folder): # Check if the file has the provided extension if file.endswith(f".{extension}"): # Get the filename without extension filename = os.path.splitext(file)[0] # Convert the file to mp4 using ffmpeg and rename to {filename}2.mp4 command = f"ffmpeg -i \"{os.path.join(folder, file)}\" \"{os.path.join(folder, filename)}2.mp4\"", shell=True) # Check if conversion was successful and remove the original file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, f"{filename}2.mp4")): print(f"Conversion of {file} successful.") os.remove(os.path.join(folder, file)) else: print(f"Conversion of {file} failed.") # Check if folder and extension are provided if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage: python <folder_path> <file_extension>") print("Example: python /path/to/folder mkv") sys.exit(1) # Get folder path and extension from command line arguments folder_path = sys.argv[1] extension = sys.argv[2] # Call function to convert videos to mp4 convert_videos_to_mp4(folder_path, extension)